“It’s all good!”  This saying has been used for quite some time, usually in response to someone asking how things are going.  It may appear to be a statement that is more of a cliché than a thought-out response.  In reality, can ALL THINGS really be good?  If we actually consider all that’s going on in our lives, can we honestly say that every one of the things we’re facing & dealing with is good?  My answer is: Yes, we can be at a place where we can honestly respond that all things are good, or at least all things are heading toward good.  And here’s why that response is appropriate.

In the Bible, Romans 8:28 tells us: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”  When God included the words “all things” in this verse, I believe He meant “all things.”  Everything can & will work together for good to those who love God & who desire to see His will done in their lives.  This doesn’t mean that everything that happens in your life is necessarily good.  But when you seek for God’s will to be fulfilled, you can be assured that everything that happens will somehow end up bringing out some good.  That’s a promise from God that may be difficult to believe at times, especially when you’re in the midst of trying circumstances.  Yet God never lies, His word is always true, & He will fulfill what He has promised.

When it comes to all things working out for good, one of the aspects of our spiritual life that comes into play is prayer.  Prior to the promise we read above in Romans 8:28, there are several verses that give us insight into the importance of prayer.  Romans 8:26-27 tells us there are times when we don’t know what to pray for or how to pray.  At those times we can pray in the Spirit & know that we’re praying God’s will for those situations.  Prayer in the Spirit is a vital key to bringing about His will & bringing good out of every situation.

If you’re facing a time of challenge in your life, whether large or small, I encourage you today to pray in the Spirit about that situation.  By doing so, you’ll allow God’s Spirit to intercede through you & you’ll allow God to work in the situation to bring good out of it.  Remember, “It’s all good”…when we look to God!